
birthday cupcakes

I baked strawberry cupcakes for Zoey's birthday party celebration at school tomorrow.  Since her birthday is in the summer she gets to celebrate a bit early with her classmates.  I had just enough in my batch for her classmates, teacher and for the neighbor kids so I didn't even get to test one but I have been told that they are pretty tasty.  :)

birthday cupcakes

Zoey's had a friend over since early this morning...while I was baking the girls were busy in their make-shift bunk bed fort.  They've been keeping busy all day with playing Barbie's, having a scavenger hunt outdoors and now they are having a meeting in the teepee in the backyard.  I love seeing her so deeply involved in play.

bunk bed fort

Hope your Memorial Day was a special one and that you took time out to remember what it is that truly matters the most on this day.

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Diana Waite said...

LOVE the butterflies on the cupcakes--must do this for a birthday! FORTS are the BEST!

Vicky said...

Beautiful cupcakes! what a super idea with the picks & butterflies :) Sweet fort!