A Fun Weekend Find

Refurbished Picnic Table

We're starting to think about Zoey's upcoming birthday party with friends...she's deemed that it will be a Garden Fairy Princess party and thus will be outdoors.  We have pretty much everything in place but I've been wondering what we were going to do about seating for the girls as we do not have an outdoor table for eating yet.  Today I stumbled upon a funny little table at our local thrift shop and could immediately picture 4 or 5 little girls sitting around it enjoying a princess luncheon.  I paid $35 for it and it did not look like it does in these photos (I was too excited to start in on my project to take any BEFORE photos).  The legs of the table and benches were silver and mottled with rust spots with some of the cross bars being completely covered in rust.  After purchasing the table and squeezing it into my suburu wagon right next to Zoey in her booster seat, I stopped at the hardware store for some white spray paint and some sandpaper.

Refurbished Picnic Table

A few hours later (and one more trip to the hardware store for more paint) I had an adorable little table for our little friends that will be visiting!  I am so happy with how this project turned out.  I'm wondering too about the table itself.  Is it's intended purpose for gardening projects or for cleaning fish?  Or is it meant for some fairy princesses?  Not quite sure but I'm pleased as punch with it and so is Zoey!

Refurbished Picnic Table

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Sarah said...

That is so cute! It will be perfect for her party and lots of outdoor fun. If you haven't looked yet, there are tons of amazing garden fairy party ideas on pinterest. (we're having one here in July!)

Vicky said...

Awesome find! and good job at it's new redo! it's look kinda 1950ish vintage :) perfect for a fairy party!