Creative Resume
Scrapbooking to me is an art form; a form of therapy and an outlet for my creativity. A way to record memories, milestones, journal thoughts and feelings and a way to provide my very personal history for the future generations to remember and enjoy. Scrapbooking to me is celebrating my passion for living and life. My desire and hope is to be an on-going contributing editor to a successful crafting magazine and/or be a part of one of the industry's leading manufacturer's design teams as well as independently owned online scrapbooking kit clubs, scrapbooking sites and/or forums.
Some of my other goals include teaching (in a work-shop type setting or online), getting more of my work published in addition to doing continued freelance work. I am interested in manufacturer and/or independently owned kit club online design team positions that will enable me to show my creativity and sense of style and design using some of the industry's most cutting edge scrapbooking products.
Layout to be published in the Spring 2022 issue of Scrapbook & Cards Today Magazine
Layout published in Fall 2021 issue of Scrapbook & Cards Today Magazine
2 Scrapbook Layouts published in Winter 2020 issue of Scrapbook & Cards Today Magazine (one cover and one inside)
Double-page layout published in special feature in the Spring 2020 issue of Scrapbook & Cards Today Magazine

Layout titled "Let it Snow" to be published in January 2020 issue of Passion Scrapbooking Magazine
Layout titled "Hey You" published in the Winter 2019 issue of Scrapbook & Cards Today Magazine
Layout titled "Hey You" published in the Winter 2019 issue of Scrapbook & Cards Today Magazine
Layout titled "Hello" published in the upcoming Winter, 2018 issue of Scrapbook & Cards Today Magazine
Mini-Book "By the Sea" published in upcoming issue of Scrapbooking & Beyond Magazine, 2010
Layout titled, "You Are Passionate" published in the March issue of Magazine, 2010
Layout titled, "Happiness Is" published in the upcoming March/April issue of Creating Keepsakes Magazine, 2010
Layout titled, "Thursday Morning Waffles" published in February, 2010 issue of Creating Keepsakes Magazine
Cosmo Cricket Acetate Album featuring the Mr. Campy Collection of patterned papers published in the August, 2009 publication of Creating Keepsakes Magazine. Album is featured in the Seasonal Solutions column.
Layout titled, We Are a Family That Loves Nature published in a special issue of Creating Keepsakes Magazine titled "Easier Than Ever 2." This is a two-page layout. Spring, 2009
Card titled, You Are the Cat's Meow published in a special issue of Creating Keepsakes Magazine titled "Easier Than Ever 2." Spring, 2009
Layout titled, Great Grandpa Joe's Fishing Pole published in a special issue of Simple Scrapbooks Magazine on "Photo Play," March 2009
Layout titled, Happy Hearts published in Scrapbook Trends Magazine, February 2009
Layout titled, Us published in upcoming issue of Magazine, June 2008
Layout titled, You published in upcoming issue of Magazine, June 2008
Card (Using Felicity Collection by Christine Adolph - Creative Imaginations) published in issue of Magazine, June 2008
Feature Article titled, Pretty in Pink written and published in issue of Magazine, June 2008
Layout titled Wishes For You published in 601 Scrapbook Idea Book, Memory Makers, Fall 2007
Layout titled Making a Difference published in Memory Makers Magazine, Aug/Sept Issue, 2007
Layout titled Our Favorites, (two pages), published in Scrapbooks, Etc. Magazine, October Issue, 2007
Layout titled PLAY, (two pages), published in Simple Scrapbooks Magazine's special "Let's Play" issue due out for publication September 2007
Manufacturer Design Teams:
SEI Design Team Member, November 1, 2014 - 2015
Pink Paislee Guest Designer, 2012
We R Memory Keepers Design Team Member, June, 1, 2011 - December, 1, 2011
Marks Paper Company Design Team Member, February 1, 2009 - January, 1, 2011
Creative Imaginations Design Team Member, April 1, 2008 - January, 1, 2011 (freelance work still accepted)
Petaloo International Design Team Member, February 1, 2010 - January, 1, 2011 (freelance work still accepted)
Design Teams:
Design Team Member for Cocoa Daisy Kit Club December 2017 - October 2018
Design Team Member for Birds of a Feather Scrapbook Kit Club August 2015 - 2016
Design Team Member for Cocoa Daisy Kit Club from December, 1, 2010 - 2013
Design Team Coordinator Cocoa Daisy Kit Club (and Design Team Member) from January, 1, 2012 - 2013
Design Team Coordinator for Mosh Posh Kit Club from March 2010 - November 2010
Design Team Member for Mosh Posh Kit Club from January 2010 - current
Design Team Member for Scrapbook Circle September 2008 - April 2009
Message Board Moderator and Board Manager for My Kits & Pieces, February 1, 2008 - May 2008- Responsible for creating a fun atmosphere for members of all the forums, post challenges and contests for all members on the K & P's board, provide positive feedback, encouragement and motivation for scrapbookers of all different abilities. Also in charge of writing a monthly column for the K & P's newsletter sent out to email subscribers.
Design Team Member for My Kits & Pieces, February 1, 2008 - May 2008
Freelance Designer for My Kits & Pieces, September 1, 2007 - May 2008
Guest Designer spot at I am a Scrapaholic for the month of January, 2007
Awarded Winning Photo Entry in the Pocupine Mountains Photo Contest held by the Porcupine Mountains Convention and Visitor's Bureau, August 2009
Awarded Runner Up (Overall Category) in contest hosted at Two Peas in a Bucket for a Why Do I Scrapbook Contest judged by Ali Edwards, February, 2007
Designer Layout of the Month on Designers Notes website for months February and March of 2007
Won Scrapbook Contest I am Lucky hosted at Creating Pages website for month of March 2007
Won Scrapbook Contest (Layout of the Month) for layout titled You are My Garden at Cocoa Daisy's Kit Club for the month of May, 2007.
Special Interest:
Writer and contributer for Today's Mama DIY column (Scrapbooking + Crafts), March 2010 - current
Scrapbooking Workshop to be held at the Manitowish Waters Public Library, April, 2010
Scrapbooking Workshop to be held at Minocqua Public Library, Minocqua, Wisconsin April, 2010
Project using Making Memories product and the Making Memories SLICE die-cutting machine is published on the Making Memories SLICE website October, 2009.
Led a Workshop on Scrapbooking for Kids at the Manitowish Frank B. Kohler Memorial Public Library in Manitowish Waters, Wisconsin for the month of July, 2009.
Led a Scrapbooking Workshop for Adults at the Manitowish Frank B. Kohler Memorial Public Library, in Manitowish Waters, Wisconsin for the month of April, 2009.
Created holiday themed Make-N-Takes for the Minoqua Public Library suitable for all ages, December, 2008.
Have acted as the Creative Coordinator for the local chapter of MOPS (Mother's of Preschooler's) for the following years/semesters: 2007, 2008, 2009. Main responsibilites for this position was to come up with project ideas, prepare and organize kits monthly for 20+ women and carry out the project to it's completion with the group. Following a budget and and meeting deadlines were criteria met with this position.
Was named in Creating Keepsakes, June 2008 issue as a reader whose work was noticed in the Reader's Gallery section of the magazine.
Rita Weiss placed an order of my Altered Acrylic Pendants for her boutique in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire, Details. Order filled January, 2008.
Layout titled Autumn Afternoon was selected as the layout of the day for October, 23, 2007 on Creating Keepsakes website.
Was asked to work alongside Wilna Furstenberg, (CK Hall of Famer, 2006), in creating and perfecting a class that she was teaching at for the month of February, 2007.
Was sent an acrylic album made by d.reeves design house to alter and it was featured on their business website under inspiration. May 2007 This same acrylic album is featured on's website and can be viewed when clicking on acrylic albums when purchasing.
Layout titled Sometimes I Worry was added to the Basic Grey website in their gallery July, 2007 and my name was listed under their listing of designers.
Layout I created for the Baker's Wife was featured on Lantow Photography's website.
Work Experience:
2015 - current
Papercrafting workshops at the Minocqua Public Library
Scrapbooking and papercrafting workshops at the Manitowish Waters Public Library and the Minocqua Public Library
Employed at Cocoa Daisy kit club as the Design Team Coordinator
Employed part-time as a designer and teacher at my local scrapbook store, the Paper Studio, which is located in Minocqua, Wisconsin. Regularily hold workshops, teach classes and go to area shows and conventions. Responsible for developing classes, both for online instruction and in studio instruction for Paper Studio.
Summer 2007-Winter 2008
Employed (part-time for the summer months) at my local scrapbook store, The Baker's Wife, which I find enables me to have access to and be a witness of some of the industry's newest products, gives me first hand access to creative trends and techniques, and offers me opportunities to teach and share my love of this hobby that I am so excited to be a part of! I've created a blog for the store and help write the monthly newsletter for them as well.