Happy Easter!


It was a cold and snowy, blustery day here and very not like Spring but we managed the best we could. Here we are posing in front of the snow that surrounds our house right now before going to church.

Also, last minute we had to have Zoey wear black tights with her dress instead of white since all the white pairs mysteriously had grass stains or dirty knees on them.  Hmmm...

She didn't care either way though so all was good!

I set the self-timer outside for this one and I love how it turned out!  So nice to have a picture of the two of us that isn't a head shot!

After church we came home to discover that the Easter Bunny had been there and left a little scavenger hunt of sorts with clues in the eggs leading to the Easter basket.

So fun!  Despite the weather we had a wonderful day and truly got to enjoy one another and what this day signifies.

Now I'm off to get Easter dinner started.  May you all have a blessed Easter!

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Happysuz said...

Happy Easter. I'm a reader, but not always a commenter. We still have some snow on the ground here in Massachusettes too! It has started to melt the past few days. Spring is on it's way,

Jennifer Davis said...

Thanks Happysuz! We are supposed to get 4-8 inches of snow tomorrow!