American Girl Doll Craft: Turkey Hats!


The other day I saw this adorable little Thanksgiving themed doll craft shared on the Doll Diaries site and I knew that it was something that I wanted to do with Zoey when we had a bit of time on our hands.  This afternoon we made them...instead of using paper though we opted to use craft foam in hopes of a bit more durability.  They turned out adorable!  Zoey made one for her Bitty Baby, Lucy and I made two for her dolls Zoe and Kristen.  

I love them!  My favorite is the one that Zoey made for's so sweet!! They are now ready for some Thanksgiving day festivities don't you think?

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Unknown said...

So cute! I don't know who has more fun with them, you or Z! :)

lisa said...

Just catching up with you Jen. I always love stopping by and seeing what you have all been up to. Your Halloween looked fun : ) Didn't Zoey ( and Leo ) look cute!! And love that you went to a Green Bay game. Take Care xxx

Karen M. Owen said...

Thank you for making the craft I shared on Doll Diaries, you did a wonderful job!