We Were Laughing Out Loud...

and I'd be lying if I said that there weren't tears in our eyes. Zoey and I went to see the movie Tangled this afternoon at our local cinema and it was worth every penny.

One of my favorite parts of getting to be Zoey's mama is getting to have the excuse of getting to go to Princess (and other girly) movies with her...there, I said it. :) I'm a complete and hopeless romantic and a wee bit cheesy at times too. This will definitely be a movie that will be added to our video library once it comes out on DVD. I think it's my favorite Princess movie by Disney to date (Zoey said it was hers too by the way).

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Unknown said...

This movie was surprisingly enjoyable! I had fun taking my girls to see it too.

Diana Waite said...

I'm so looking forward to seeing this with my family! So glad you gave it two thumbs up!

Unknown said...

Ruby and Mateo saw this and loved it as well! They're still talking about it almost 2 weeks later! I want to see it!

Vicky said...

I love seeing these movies too (but no little ones to go with)...