Here's the rules: I need to pass this award on to five people, post on their blog to let them know I left them this award, and then I need to answer a list of questions (to follow) using just ONE word.
1. Where is your cell phone? n/a (don't have one)
2. Your hair? short
3. Your mother? strong
4. Your father? creative
5. Your favorite food? greek
6. Your dream last night? good
7. Your favorite drink? water
8. Your dream/goal? peace (in my heart)
9. What room are you in? bedroom
10. Your hobby? paper-arts
11. Your fear? fear
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? home
13. Where were you last night? here
14. Something that you aren't? high maintenance
15.Muffins? rhubarb
16. Wish list item? health
17. Where did you grow up? small town
18. Last thing you did? tucked in my little girl for the night
19. What are you wearing? yoga pants + an old long sleeved t-shirt
20. Your TV? old school
21. Your pets? deceased
22. Friends? the best
23. Your life? thankful
24. Your mood? good
25. Missing someone? yes
26. Vehicle? Subaru
27. Something your not wearing? make-up
28. Your favorite store? any bookstore
29. Your favorite color? crimson red, brown, green, burnt orange (I just can't choose just one)
30. When was the last time you laughed? tonight
31. Last time you cried? today (when I was laughing)
32. Your best friend? true blue
33. One place that I go to over and over? work =)
34. Facebook? interesting
35. Favorite place to eat? Harbor View and the Island Cafe
I had a few answers that went beyond the one word rule but for the most part I stuck to it. Here are the blogs that I am nominating:
Ronda - She goes above and beyond for a fellow scrapper, she's extremely talented and is incredible about telling it like it is when journaling on her pages.
Wilna - Love how courageous she is in sharing her faith with the world, her art is truly from her heart.
Misty (like "drizzle") - An amazing friend in real life, always makes me laugh and is an amazing seamstress (and mother).
Patty - Pretty much every time I see this woman she makes me cry or almost pee my pants (from laughing). She's one of those people that I know have been put into my life's path for a reason.
Anne - An amazing cook, to get some great recipe ideas be sure to check out her blog...another real life acquaintence who is now a blogger.
You are all "over the top" in my book! Now snag this award for yourselves and pass on the good cheer!
Hey Jen! Thanks for the award! Now I just have to get it on my blog!
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