Marks Paper Company : Card (for my grandmother) + Layout

My grandmother isn't doing the best right now, my mom and aunt have been taking turns staying with her and taking her in and out of the hospital to get tests done, get blood, etc. If you are one of my regular blog readers than you may recall how much this woman means to me (and what an inspiration she has been to me) so she's been on my mind and in my prayers quite a bit lately. Isn't she so beautiful?

Grandmother Evelyn Hollis-Pulver and Zoey

Yesterday I got a beautiful card in the mail from her with some little gifts included. One was a magazine subscription to a favorite magazine of mine, a bit of "just for me" money and a little card that shared the Welsh meaning of my name (I'm mostly Swiss and Welsh). It reads:

"Jenny, a lady who encourages others; has forsight and the ability to inspire others; loves the outdoors; loves garlands of forest flowers; she will go without so others won't have to one whose eyes can be playful or proper; wise and understanding; a woman who is eager and uplifting."

It went on to say that I am special to everyone and a gift from above, here's wishing you happiness, good fortune and love. I love the part about my loving "garlands of forest flowers" probably because I do....I think the thing that touched me the most is that I get my Swiss from my mom's side of the family, so what she did was share with me what it is that I got from my father's side (he being Welsh). I am guessing that my aunt probably helped in getting this little package put together (thank you aunt sharon!) and I am deeply touched. I wanted to send her a little thank you so I created the card pictured below.

You're One of My Nicest Thoughts Card

The patterened papers are from Marks Paper Company's English Garden Collection and their Old Fashioned Courtship Collection.

I was feeling the creative groove last night after creating the above card so I went ahead and created the simple layout pictured below using some of my scraps of patterned papers (again from the English Garden and Old Fashioned Courtship Collection's) I love mixing these two collections for some reason!

Christmas Day Traditions

Did you know that Marks Paper Company offers digital and hybrid scrapbooking kits in addition to their paper products? I'm not much of a digi scrapper (yet) but am intrigued at the endless possibilities one would have with creating in this way. I may have to try something hybrid to see what I check out their beautiful digital kits click here. The "Welcome Fall" kit is by far my favorite.

Off now to get some things around here done before Zoey's off of school and we go to dance class!
Jingle said...

It sounds like you received a wonderful gift! The thank you card and the layout are wonderful!

Robyn Schaub said...

Beautiful card and layout! I was very close to my grandmother as well, and she passed away last month, so I completely understand where you're coming from. Many prayers to you.

Lisa Dorsey said...

Such wonderful projects Jen. I love that card. She is going to love it!

Vee said...

love your card, beautiful projects!

ellen s. said...

just love them! i love the stitching on both..she is going to adore that card

Jen Martakis said...

Both of your projects are beautiful!

Be careful venturing into hybrid...look where it landed me. ;)

CreativeChretin said...

Love your card. I especially love that green patterned paper. Your grandma surely will be blessed by your card! :)

Cristy said...

Oh my Jen your layout is gorgeous and the card is amazing! Your Grandma is going to love it!!!!!

Vicky said...

Grandmas are so special, I miss mine every day. Love your card and layout, that Marks Paper is super!

Patty S said...

yea mpco!
your card is beautiful - she will love it. you are very lucky to have a wonderful grandmother like that (i miss both of mine).
i'll keep her in my prayers before bed tonight.
hugs, patty ;-)

Patty said...

Love your card & LO Jen! I was always my Grandmother's favorite and I think of her all the time.