Scrapbooking Workshop at Frank B. Koller Library

I will be spending the day today in Manitowish Waters, Wisconsin at the Frank B. Koller Memorial Public Library leading a workshop on Scrapbooking. I'm pretty excited and am looking forward to getting to see some new faces and to share what it is that I know and love about this craft with others! If you are in the area please feel free to stop in. No registration is required. To get the details of the event please click here and scroll down to the bottom of the page. We will be starting with covering the basics of scrapbooking, the tools needed, who scrapbooks, why and where it can lead you. What other crafts this hobby can lead you to, etc. I will also be sharing some basic design principles and then some of my favorite resources both online and off. You will get to look through some of my albums and at some other projects that I've created and we will also create a fun little project (a photo wallet brag book similar to the ones pictured below) and I will also be giving away some fun little prizes.

Hope to see you there!

Wallet Brag Book

Inside of Wallet Brag Book

Wallet Brag Book

Inside of Wallet Brag Book
Linnie Blooms Shop said...

Beautiful projects! I hope you enjoy your day teaching:)

Pamela said...

Love the wallet brag books! Have fun!!!

Michele Kovack said...

Love these projects! Gorgeous!

Linda Beeson said...

Your creations are just plain gorgeous and big hooray for your scrapbooking workshop - how fun!

*Paula* said...

Sounds like fun! Hope you have a good turnout :)

Stacey Michaud said...

You have the best ideas!

Anonymous said...

what a great class you have going on! :D

Nancywithajones said...

oh cool that looks awesome!

Stacy Milford said...

Wish I could be there...would definitely come & be inspired by you!!! Great little brag books...gotta give that a try! Have a great day!

Kate said...

cool projects!

Lori Gentile said...

Jen, what a great class! Have fun today!