It's Always Good to Have a Reminder...


right? I found this hilarious dish towel here...and I know that Ethan would appreciate my having this gentle reminder every now and again. I love that in the product description it says "Simple rules for a happy and harmonious domestic life." Ha!

And then I found this bag and am thinking that I may need to get it for my little sister...

you can find those here. I think these notes by Knock Knock are a hoot...and perhaps something that (a..hem) I probably would have used in all seriousness at one point in my life.

Hope you are all enjoying a wonderful weekend!
Amy said...

Those are classic!

Norma Kennedy said...

Oh my goodness I was looking for something FUN to get my niece. Every month I get her something small yet special and I am all over that bookbag. Thank you !

Murphy's Law said...

bwahahaha! those are just too funny and apt. lmao on the baby sitter one, and boys are better in books AND i have to make an public service announcement that the dishwasher is now accepting dirty dishes. snort.

Nathalie Kalbach said...

LOL -awesome!!!

Chanda said...

I am loving the tote. Those would make great gifts for the gals in my bookclub. Thanks for the inspiration!

Diana Waite said...

Those babysitter basics are too funny!

Anonymous said...

LOVE that towel!!!!