She Loves Them


So far, every winter my mom has knit a fun little hat as well as a set of mittens for Zoey. This is this year's set that we just so happened to get in the mail yesterday. I think it's safe to say that they are a definite favorite!

Getting Colder

And, a card that I made using patterned papers by Basic Grey and KI Memories. Paper trim is by Doodlebug, fibers are Basic Grey and epoxy sticker is by KI Memories. Leaves I punched and used Stickles on...

Thanks spoil us!
Anonymous said...

Super cute hat and glove set! And I really love that card - may have to make some like it, and I'm not generally a card maker, but that one is tempting.

denine zielinski said...

Cute little round card! The hat and mittens are fabulous. I would love to be able to knit. If I only had the time to learn!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful card and those mittens/hat are so cute also, no wonder your daughter loves them :)

Nathalie Kalbach said...

ahhh this is sooo sweeet!!! I love this!

Chanda said...

Um, who wouldn't?! I would sport those babies!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful the mix of elements. Great hat and mitten set too, such fun colors.

Anonymous said...

OOoh, the hat and mittens are adorable, as is the cute round card :)

Lisa Dorsey said...

Oh I just love that picture!!! Fabulous card too! What a great pp combination!

~Telah said...

LOVE that hat and mittens! You two are so lucky!

Anonymous said...

Your mom did a fab job on those! Love the finger tips!!!

Kim Watson said...

What beautiful knits...there is something about homemade knits that makes them so special!!