Almost a year ago I started this blog. We had just moved here to this new community and were looking at this job opportunity that Ethan was offered with such hopeful hearts. Really, it was a fresh start for us, as a couple, as a family and as individuals. When I look back and read some of my first posts I can feel that hopeful energy and can remember the feelings of something starting to grow, a bit more each day. I didn't share right away my blogging venture with family or friends because first off I wasn't sure that I would stick with it, I was a bit skeptical of it to be honest and a part of me wanted it to just be mine for a while. Then once family knew and some friends, it actually became a tool of sorts, creating a closeness that otherwise may have not been possible. I'm talking both physical (as we live some distance from those we love) as well as another kind of that I wasn't really aware of creating until it was relayed to me by family members in phone calls, letters or emails. All thanking me for being so honest in my writing or just saying to me that it was neat to get to know me in this way. I have to say that this blogging has opened up some pretty huge windows and doors alike in my life. I've met some pretty amazing individuals through blogging, have been inspired by so many and have learned to trust myself a bit more creatively, have been encouraged by others and supported by many. I've actually grown spiritually through this as well, it's funny how the simple act of journaling can make you question and re-question ideas and beliefs until it rolls around one day and finally starts to make sense. I can go back to certain posts and recall what (or who) it was that I was leaning on or what it was that I was in search of (when perhaps I was thinking that I had already found it). I guess what I am trying to say is that while a lot of my blogging is pictures or scrapbooking or updates on Zoey, a lot of it has been a very big part of my growth over the past year as a woman, a wife, a mother and a friend. The time that I spent on these blog posts was often a time that was just mine. Away from Zoey and being a mother, away from Ethan and being a wife, away from the idea of being the ideal me that has to be the most beautiful and put together and perfect woman. It was a time to just sit, to think and to be, me.
Yesterday was my 30th birthday. I have to say that I look forward so much to my thirties, I've learned so much it seems up to this point, it would appear especially so in my 29th year. I'm good with where I'm at as an individual and that it seems is the secret to being good with many parts in one's life. I am blessed to be here, to be a mother to Zoey and a wife to Ethan and to be supported and free to be me.
Happy Birthday, and thanks for sharing your life and feelings with the blogosphere. I really enjoying reading your posts.
beautiful reflection!
Right on girl. Right on.
Love to you on your birthday.
Thanks for taking that plunge! I'm so happy to have found you in cyberland!!
Hey Happy Birthday! It's been fun watching your blog develop and change.
Happy Birthday! I, too started my blog about a year ago. I have made so many friends and found such wonderful inspiration thru this little circle.
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