Inspire Me Thursday


This week's challenge for Inspire Me Thursday was diary and you were to interpret it however you wished. I was actually working on this page for my personal art journal as I've been reflecting on putting myself "out there" more artistically lately and thought it fit in perfectly with this week's challenge so thought I'd share. Basically this layout is based on a Moorish Proverb that states He who is afraid of a thing gives it power over him. It seems for such a long time in my life I had that voice of doubt or fear saying that I wasn't good enough, or smart enough or whatever the worry, I wasn't strong enough to stand up and be proud of me and what I could do and what I could offer the world and those around me. (To be fair, for quite some time I wasn't even sure what exactly the "it" was that I had to offer.) Through scrapbooking and journaling I've found my voice and realized that it's strong, loud and clear. Turns out I have a lot to say and share. I can and do make connections with those around me and I am finally feel free to be me...this entry in my journal celebrates that and serves as a reminder as well so that I continue to follow the path that is only mine to walk.
Patricia J. Mosca said...

This is a great piece to honor yourself! It certainly is an amazing thing when we finally give ourself permission to be exactly who we always knew we were!!! Got to love that!

Pilar said...

I am so glad you have found the healing power of art and have allowed your true voice to speak. I think we creative types are so sensitive to burden of self expectation so we are so hard on ourselves and our artwork. I love how you fused your writing in with visual symbols. :D

Laura Bray said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! This is really a beautiful entry.

milkcan said...

Awesome project! You totally rocked it out!

Julia said...

Great piece ! I love it and the thuoghts behind it !! Be yourself girl and you sure have a lot to be proud of !

surrealmuse said...

Your journal collage holds a lot of power and though. It comes across as a pivotal moment in thought whether it was just recent or a tribute to where you're coming from. Bravo!

Leslie said...

This is a beautiful piece. I struggle with this same problem all the time. Trying to figure out how to not let fear rule the decisions I make. It's tough, but it seems like you figured out how to do that and it shows in your work!

carla said...

This is both visually beautiful (I like the red that ties it all together) - it is also full of great messages! I love all the "notes to self." I think that inner critic is something we all do battle with... you are very talented and expressive, so put that critic in its place!

Crafty Green Poet said...

I like this a lot, great sentiments

Judy Scott said...

A wonderful liberating piece, brilliant! I will remember the proverb ~ I think it was written for me!!

megan said...

so beautifully layered and textured and true!

lee said...

i love what you had to say and it so true, you always doubt yourself at some point....but its ok to give yourself permission to be the artist who you are. I loved your sumbission, and I like your blog I will be back

Brandi Reynolds said...

and in sharing that, you'll give others courage to face their fears and doubts. truly inspiring.

Deb G said...

Really like what you created, so much truth there....

House on the Vaal said...

This is gorgeous. Love the colors. Sometimes if we tell ourselves how strong we are it becomes true.

Barb said...

Wow! You should stand up and be proud--this is beautiful!

Belinda Joynes Artist said...

I completely relate to your post. I have spent years denying my artistic side through fear that I am not talented enough. It is only recently, through my blog and sites like Inspire Me Thursday, that I have made to choice to begin my art journey.

This piece really speak to me, well done for facing your fear.

Royce Addington said...

To borrow from Marianne Williamson,
" are a child of the Universe. Your playing small doesn't serve the world...and as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own FEAR, our presence automatically liberates others." The creative power in this piece will rock each of our worlds! Thank you.

titration said...

I echo the other commenter's sentiments. I would also add that this is something I would covet.. There are pieces that I like and there are pieces that I would like near me. And if anyone else feels this way (which I think they would) this should bodes well for your work in the future.

Cheryl said...

I am so proud of you for finding your voice! And you've given me much to think about, as well.

Essie said...

Great LO. And such a nice idea. Love, es

Unknown said...

THis is beyond gorgeous. your words are very moving. thanks for sharing!

Cheryl Finley said...

How did I miss this last week? Beautiful work...and isn't it gratifying when our I say "informs us of ourselves"? What freedom and exhilaration.
Congrats to you : )

Laura said...

I totally get what this piece is about for you. The diary theme worked for me in a similar way. Art is a great way to move past the fear and empowers us all to be expressive and creative. I've really found that lately and especially since joining IMT so your work this week really spoke to me. Well done.

Samm said...

This is cool! great work!
