Christine tagged me! How this works: I must post the rules, 7 random things about me and then tag others to do the same. Sounds fair enough, right? These are the rules….each player starts with 7 random facts about themselves on their Blog. People who are tagged need to blog 7 facts about themselves and post the rules as well. At the end of your blog list 7 people you are tagging. Let them know that they are tagged by leaving them a comment.
1. I got my nose pierced on my birthday after Zoey was born to confirm (to myself) that I still had an ounce or two of "cool" in me!
2. I was one of the lawyers in our mock trial in highschool and I absolutely LOVED it!
3. I have very fond memories of my teenage years and almost every one of those memories is attached to a country music song!
4. I cannot stand when people slurp their coffee!
5. I always go to bed with my socks on and once in bed I take them off and leave them in the bed under the covers (this annoys Ethan...not sure why!).
6. I have a fear of losing my teeth!
7. I finally feel like I am starting to grow up and am obtaining the confidence that I always assumed just came with age.
So that is a little about me! And now I am tagging:
1. Rachel
2. Babs
3. Wilna
4. Anja
5. Rosy
6. Anne
7. Lisa
OK, the sock thing. I totally do that, but only in the winter. Not weird. Completely normal.
And I have dreams in which my teeth fall out or crumble up in my mouth. I think dreams like this are supposed to be a bad omen.
I dream about my teeth falling out all the time. I'm sure it must mean something.
I listed my random 7 a few days ago.
I actually read up on the teeth thing a while back and I found it means that you may be guilty of saying too much or revealing too much information!!!!! Hmmmm....
I've been having major dreams about my teeth falling out (but I just got spacers put in for my braces (getting them on Tues) so my mouth hurts like crazy. I'm sure that's why I'm dreaming about it! I also heard that it can be that you are worried about your appearance?
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