Mini Art Journal Journey - Week Twenty-Three

Week twenty-three already! Wow, I cannot believe how time has flown! So, for this week's prompt Emily provided us with the direction of stating something regarding right now. It was kind of funny because this morning when I woke up I was wanting to be creative and wanted to work on my card but couldn't remember the prompt, (and didn't want to take the time to go downstairs, boot up the computer, log in and check to see what the prompt was - also didn't want to sacrifice the perfect "Zoey was playing by herself moment"!), so I just sat down and created this little beauty, and it totally fits the "right now" statement too! While making it I was thinking about how much I've been missing my Dad lately and how it's been close to a year now that we haven't seen one another...really not liking that and am thinking that we will be doing something in the near future to change that! :) I am thinking that I am actually going to mount this one to an actual card and send it to my Dad as part of his father's day gift, he has always appreciated my littlest of creations, one of the many reasons I miss him so much!

It's been a really busy couple of days here, I've started working at my lss and am absolutley loving it but the change in routine is difficult. Not seeing Zoey all day is hard! :) So used to having her right at my heels all the time! Really good for her and Papa to be spending time together though...really good. And it's good for me to be out and about too! Loving that my job entails helping people with their papercrafting and requires me to sit and play myself! Wow, pretty neat stuff!

Off now to enjoy the beautiful day with my family, hope you are enjoying yours!
Marjolein said...

Wow, this is great!! What a coincidence you making that card, just like that!! Beautiful, I think your dad will be very happy with it!

Debbie Doughty said...

Such a darling card. I especially love the little flower clouds. I hope you get to see your dad soon!

Paula J Atkinson said...

Gorgeous card, love the design.

Morgan Moore said...

this is ADORABLE!

Unknown said...

It is a beautiful card, i love the owl :)

michelle said...

love your card.. the blue almost looks like foam.. glad you are digging your new job

Barb said...

Love the sequins, the branch, and the stitching.

Every time I see one of these little cards I wish I would have joined the group!

A.S.K.-P. said...

What a killer card! I just LOVE IT! It's funny that you used an owl on this crad! My late Gramma LOVED owls so everytime I see one I think of her (I got an owl tattoo in memory of her).

BTW, it's not just this card...I LOVE all of your work! It has such a pretty, creative, cool flair to it! I JUST LOVE IT!


Nathalie Kalbach said...

What a wonderful wonderful card!!!

Je@net said...

What a lovely card!!