Little Me | Scrapbook Layout



For Christmas I bought myself the Storyteller collection from Vicki Boutin. I've mentioned how much I love it before and I'm still feeling the same! It's just so rich in it's color scheme and I love the variety in textures and patterns. Kind of boho...kind of indie...I don't know, I just know that I love it and am having fun using it. 

The two pictures I used are the same photo, I just printed one in black and white and one in color. It's a picture of me when I was little. My mom made me the blue bonnet. It had a heart sewn on each side. I'm holding my raggedy ann doll that my grandma made for me. I carried that thing with me everywhere when I was little! Raggedy Ann, Andy, my Winnie the Pooh and my stuffed lion Herbert. 

This picture kind of gets me all choked up...what a simple time in my life. So thankful for my childhood. So thankful for my parents. 

