Today was our first afternoon crop at the library! Our numbers were small but it was fun and this is one of the layouts that I completed while hosting. Kind of fun combining two of my loves...scrapbooking and the library! We'll be doing this again, hopefully next time we'll get a few more participants. This week is spring break so I'm hoping our low numbers had to do with people being out of town.
These are obviously old photos of Zoey, I'm pretty sure she was in first grade. She had just gotten her first pair of ice skates and had to test them out. It's also when I fractured my elbow falling while skating myself! Pretty memorable event you could say.
The supplies that I used are a mix of goodies from Crate Paper, Shimelle/American Crafts, Pink Paislee, Bella Blvd and the hearts (white plastic and corkboard) are by Ali Edwards.
Here are some pictures from our afternoon was one of the most relaxing days I've ever had at work haha! Love sharing my love of crafting with others.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend!
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