Big Love | Scrapbook Layout


I snapped this photo of Zoey the other day when she was playing guitar outside just for fun. She had just finished her 30 minutes of required daily practice and was playing freely. I love it when she does this.

A little over a year ago she declared that she wanted to learn how to play guitar. This, after having pretty much no knowledge of how to read music or play any other instrument. I was skeptical and made her wait several months before committing to paying for lessons.

She has come so very far and her interest and desire to keep learning how to play and manipulate this instrument hasn't wavered in the least. In fact, her love of playing has only intensified. I'm so proud of her and I have to say too that I love hearing her play. It's not like the sounds of my learning how to play alto-saxophone when I was in band back in the day, of that I am sure! I think I know the reason my parents always suggested that I practice outdoors, (and it wasn't to entertain the tourists that walked by the house like they told me!).

This was a fun layout to create...I find that when I am in love with the photo(s) that I'm using I usually fall in love with the layout that I create surrounding it.

Wishing you a beautiful and creative-filled day!