Sharing another layout that I created using the November Cocoa Daisy Memory Keeping: 12x12 and Pocket kits! For this layout I had fun using some of the pocket cards from the Pocket kit to create a grid of sorts for the base of my page.
After forming my base with the cards, I had fun adding photos, stickers, journaling, embellishments, etc. You can see that I broke the grid's form a bit by adding a photo that didn't fit within the size and shape of the grid. It kind of adds interest and breaks up the space visually.
I love our house in the winter so much! This layout truly captures how I feel about it. I used a heart punch for one of my photos of our house too. So sweet!
Have you ever created a layout of your home? Your home in different seasons? Maybe it's time to get it down in your albums! Our home is so very much a part of our everyday story.
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