Fall Hike | Fallison Lake Nature Trail


We had an amazing day yesterday...the sun was out and there was a slight breeze, it was the perfect day for hiking. Zoey was at a friend's house so Ethan and I went to hike the 2.5 mile loop of the Fallison Lake Nature Trail. Once there, we discovered that many other people had the same idea! We probably passed at the very least, 20 or so individuals hiking along the way which is kind of unheard of. Usually we are lucky if we see 1 or 2!

I am wondering if this was our peak weekend for fall colors, they were pretty amazing.

While this trail isn't very long in distance, it does have many hills (up and down) and steps along the route. We both had packs on and when done, we were quite warm!

In addition to taking in the beauty of the season I was able to spot some mushrooms and fungi along the's kind of my latest obsession. There is so much to look for and it's fun discovering new species, learn if they are edible or not or of medicinal value.

It was such a great afternoon! So happy we took the time to go out and enjoy the day. Where we live, winter will be here before we know it!


northwoodsmom said...

Gorgeous pictures! As always! :)

Jennifer Davis said...

Thanks so much Betsy! So fun that you comment ha!! See you tomorrow!