The other day while I was looking through photos from our hike I stumbled upon this photo that Zoey happened to snap of me. I love that she got this photo. It's not super flattering or anything, but I love the setting, the light and that in real life, it feels that right now, at this point in my life, I'm walking away from my past and walking towards something bigger and better. I feel like I can almost see that in this photo. Turning 40 in a couple months time probably has a bit to do with how I'm feeling and what I'm thinking lately too!
Starting last May I've been trying to take charge a bit when it comes to my health. I had been putting off a dr.'s appointment for too long mostly because I was scared and feeling unsure, I didn't want to spend the money, didn't want to get scary news...not ready I guess. I finally made that appt. and had some tests done, awaited the results and am moving forward with a plan of good health on my horizon. It feels good that I am making choices to better myself. That I'm telling myself that I matter and taking charge. Finally making me a priority! Sometimes it's scary being an adult!! It might sound silly, but sometimes it's easier to just stick your head in the sand and keep on keeping on as things are. I finally got to the point that I couldn't waste any more time living like that, because it wasn't living anymore. It was pretty much just surviving until the next day. No more! I am hopeful that with the plan my dr. and I have put together, that I'll be feeling back to my normal self sometime here in the near future.
No matter what though, I'm embracing getting older, wiser and healthier...because I deserve it!
Funny how age can spur you on to make big changes...little changes too!
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