MOD CLOTH Refer a Friend $20 off Special!

Just hopping on here for a quick post to share a special promo link with my blog readers! I made a purchase recently on Mod Cloth (a first!) and if I share a link to their site (click the link below) you and I both will receive a little perk. I'm currently loving these sandals and this fun cardigan.

Everyday Nonchalance Sandals in brown // Charter School Cardigan get the special perk I mentioned previously, check out this link and we will both get $20 off a purchase of $50 or more at Mod Cloth. I also believe that if you are a first time shopper at Mod Cloth and sign up for their email list you will get 20% off of your order as well! That offer was extended to me when I placed my first time order so it wouldn't hurt to give it a try!

Happy (maybe at the least, window) shopping!