I have a middle-schooler! She was so excited for the start of this school year (hope this feeling lasts!) and was actually counting down the days here at home. We went to the open house/registration day activities and she was positively beaming. What a girl!
This year she gets a locker AND a personal file cabinet in her classroom. She let me take her picture by her locker at registration day.
This is what's called the "hub" at her school and is where they will work on projects, both group and individual. I know that we are so blessed to have her get to go to this school. The teachers are so amazing and I love the class size and the multi-age environment.
I can't wait to discover along with Zoey what this year will bring!
It's so wonderful as a parent to be able to send your child to school and have them be happy. It wasn't always the case for us...we had a couple rocky years and made a switch and are so thankful that we did. It's made a world of difference. We have our Zoey back! Love, love, love this 6th grader with all my heart!

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