The other day Ethan and I came home and there was a canoe leaning against the garage...along with two paddles. We have wanted a canoe pretty much since, ever. Ethan had been helping out a friend and colleague this summer with some creative projects and this friend ended up setting us up with a canoe! A canoe, two paddles AND three life jackets!
To say we were excited is an understatement. We had to take it out right away to "test" it out.
We started out by putting it in at the dam at Lake Kawaguesaga and then paddled into Lake Minocqua.
I have to admit that I was a bit nervous paddling among the bigger and much faster bread of boats and may have shared a few choice words with Ethan along the way but it was all good in the end.
We survived and Ethan has assured me that we will choose some calmer waters next time!
Zoey is pretty excited about owning a boat. Just like her Auntie Bailey!
I handed my camera over to her at one point which meant plenty of Zoey "selfies" were on the camera! She took all of the following photos:
So much fun! Feeling thankful for big and little kindnesses.

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