My back has been bothering me now here for about a week and a half. Today I forced myself to go out with Zoey for a little adventuring. I'm so glad that I did. While I moved pretty slow and wasn't very exciting I am sure, it was good to move my muscles and just get outside and breath in the outside air. Hoping I don't pay for it tomorrow.
As you can see, we still have lots of's melting though! The puddles all had a little glaze of ice over them. The sun peeked out here and there this morning too which was nice.
Zoey of course found the puddles...some things don't change as you get older it seems. There is still that gravitational pull to jump in those puddles!
We walked down our road to the Tomahawk River...we saw lots of deer tracks.
We can't wait for the snow to melt completely! For today, it was nice to listen to the birds, see the melting snow and smell the earth warming up around us.
All around it's been a pretty quiet weekend. I did get out and set up my easel. Zoey didn't even know I had it which is pretty sad because it says just how long it's been packed away. I'm hopeful that she will get to see me painting and using it.
While I was setting up my easel Zoey worked on painting a canvas for herself. I had picked up some canvases at our Ace Hardware store at the bucket sale that they have...everything that you can fit in a bucket gets a sale % price off and you get to keep the bucket. A pretty good deal.
We tried to sleep in this weekend and relax...I'm trying to heal whatever is going on with my back. This guy has been loving the relaxed theme that's for sure!
He's all about cuddling and snoozing. Which, if I'm being honest, this weekend was perfect for me. I love this little guy so his feisty and persnickety personality and I can't say that I am not flattered that it's obvious he loves me VERY much. Follows me around the house and has to know where I am every second. Yes, he has me wrapped around his little paw.
I finished reading this book (pretty creepy) and am now off to try and find another one to get started. One thing that I can do while resting on a heating pad is read! Thanks goodness!
Over all, it's been a nice weekend...not sure I'm ready for the work week to start up again so soon though.

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