Minocqua Players Drama Club presents...Sleepy Trudy!


Zoey had so much fun this weekend acting in her first ever "official" play, Sleep Trudy, in her school's drama club! She was so excited all week and I was so worried she was going to get sick or be burnt out by the week's end but worry was for nothing. The show was fantastic and she was amazing! All of the kids were!

This has been such a fun experience for Zoey. They practiced and practiced their lines...she had play practice every day of the week with the exception of Wednesdays for close to two months! It was a pretty big commitment.

There were some friends in her class in the play (and participating in the costumes and set design) and also kids from other classes and grades. The play was for kids in 5th - 8th grade so she really got to get to know many of the other cast members through this experience as well which has been so good for her!

Zoey (and all the kids) knew their lines perfectly...they truly did a great job and the play itself was a fun one to get to watch. A funny tale with many fun lines for kids and adults to appreciate alike. It was a great selection!

Here is a picture of Zoey with a friend and cast-mate.

It's been a busy weekend...Friday after school she stayed after school for a cast party and dinner and then they went right into getting ready for their performance. My mom and step-dad came up to see the play Friday evening and then took us out for dinner to celebrate a job well done by Zoey...

And then Saturday Ethan's parents came to watch the play too! So fun and special for Zoey to have special guests at BOTH performances!!!

When Zoey was done with her Saturday performance she shared with me that she wished she could do it just one more time that day!  :) Luckily she will get to perform the play three more times on Monday and Tuesday of next week for her school!

Some of Zoey's good friends came to the Saturday performance as well which was so special. Here is a picture of Gracie and Lily with Zoey. They even brought her pink sweet. Did they know they would match her hair?

After the performance Zoey got to go out to eat AGAIN with Ethan's mom! She celebrated with a kiddie cocktail.

You can tell Zoey is a bit tuckered out here...but still smiling!

And here is a group shot of all the cast and crew for the play. So much fun. I'm so glad that Zoey tried out for this and got a part. I know that she has the acting bug for sure...she's already talking about what the play might be for next year!

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Kimberly Kett said...

Looks like it was a fun play!