So Proud of Her Lately...

It's so fun seeing Zoey making choices for herself that I see are directly having an impact in a positive way in her life. Just one example is how she chose to try out for a play that is compiled of a group of 5th-8th graders who (mostly) she doesn't know, getting a part in the play, and then just going ahead with it and embracing the experience with gusto! What a cool kid!

I actually created this layout a couple of days ago (when we had our first snow day of the week...Zoey had today off as well) and it's a perfect reflection of how it is that I am feeling about her these days. 

The kids have practice four nights out of the week so in addition to my feeling proud of her for making the choice to try out for this, I am also proud of her for the dedication and hard work that it's going to take to actually see this through. 

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