It was an amazingly beautiful weekend here. Sunny and warm and the fall colors are definitely at their peak here. Love!
Our weekend consisted mainly of lots and lots of yard work and a little bit of fun!
It's safe to say that the leaf piles this year are the biggest ones that Zoey has ever been able to jump in yet! She was pretty excited...and therefore motivated to help us with the raking a bit!
So glad that she isn't "too old" to have fun jumping in the leaves!
After we called it quits for the day working in the yard we took a little hike and did a bit exploring. We are so lucky to be able to walk out from our driveway into the beauty whenever we want!
And once home we saw that we had a little visitor...enjoying the fallen crab apples from our tree.
Love weekends like this and I have a feeling this may have been one of the last beautiful ones weather-wise at least! So thankful we got to spend time enjoying it together!