Impromptu Road Trip to Washburn, Wisconsin


It was a beautiful day to take a road trip...the morning started out overcast and brisk but as the day went on the sun came out and things warmed up quite nicely.  I took my camera out and played a bit while we were out exploring in the a.m.

It felt so good to get out and enjoy being outside.  We were surprised to see quite a bit of open water as there is hardly any here in Minocqua yet.  It gave us hope!

Having done most of her growing up in Minocqua, Zoey always has called Lake Superior the "Big Water" and so Ethan and I have done the same.  Whenever we are in this area it feels like we aren't even in Wisconsin anymore...and proves the vastness of it's terrain.  It's breadth.

So beautiful.

After our exploring was through and we were thoroughly chilled to the bone, it was time to head over to Coco's Bakery for some coffee and good eats.  

Perfect way to spend a Saturday.  

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