Our Annual Packer Game


My in-laws have season tickets for the Packers and every season Ethan and I try and choose at least one game to attend and the one that we chose this season was this past weekend when the Packers played the Jaguars.  It was a good game to go to since it was a winning one for the Pack!

It was chilly but sunny...perfect weather for enjoying a football game along with a hot dog and some hot chocolate!

One of my favorite things about going is always getting to people watch.  There are so many fans that go all out, I love it!

I'm pretty sure that A. Rod was looking over at me here...don't you think?  :)

I had to take some photos of the cheerleaders for Zoey since they were wearing PINK ribbons in their hair.

The halftime show was great as always.  They had the Oneida Nation dancers there performing the Healing Dance for breast cancer survivors.  It was beautiful and very touching.

When they were done performing the dance they released birds that flew around the stadium and then up and out all together.  It was quite the site and quite unexpected.

It's always so fun to get to go to a game.  My first Packer game that I went to was when I was still dating Ethan, crazy thinking that I've been to several now and get to look forward to it every year thanks to his parents.  
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Diana Waite said...

Looks like a FABULOUS day!