Our Visit to Bayfield, Wisconsin Part II

One day I took Zoey down to one of the public beaches in Bayfield and we was so hot that the Lake Superior water didn't feel quite as cold as it probably otherwise would.
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That evening, after our swim we headed to eat out at Maggie's and it was awesome!  Zoey's highlight was getting to eat out at a PINK restaurant, our highlight was getting to eat some wonderful food!  Definitely recommend this place for some special cuisine and decor!
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On our last day of vacation we decided to head up North a ways to check out the sea caves along the Lake Superior shoreline.
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It proved to be quite a challenge with it having rained recently (the trails were muddy and mucky) but we kept on going.
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It was worth it!  It was beautiful!  Once we got to the overlook though it started thundering and raining!  We quick turned around and started heading back to the car.
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We made it and were SOAKED!!  But we still had smiles on our faces because even though we all ruined our shoes swimming in the mud, we had fun!  It is a memory that I think we will not soon forget.
And then it was going back to Grandma's house to get dry and warm and then we headed out for home again.  Stopping at a Dairy Queen on the way home made things a little sweeter since we really didn't want to come home just yet.  We had a wonderful time, and want to go back soon!  Feeling lucky that I am going to have family living there (my mom and step-dad are fixing up a house there) so we can soon have an excuse to visit whenever we want.
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Denise said...

your trip looks so wonderful Jen. what beautiful photos!