Last December I won a My Twinn/BFF doll in an online contest and the idea was that it would go to Zoey to play with. Well, it went to Zoey but she doesn't really play with it all that much since going American Girl crazy. :) She is wanting some new things from the AG catalog and I shared with her that if we sold her My Twinn doll we might be able to get some things from the catalog. She thought that was a great idea so I'm sharing the listing here.
"Rosie" is in great played with condition. She really is a beautiful doll, and if we hadn't won it and gotten it for free I would feel bad about selling it but Zoey really doesn't have an attachment to it.
We are selling it with two complete outfits and her under garments as well.
If you are interested, check out the listing here.
How much are you asking?
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