my little sister...

Sparklers with Auntie Bailey

Sparklers with Auntie Bailey

Sparklers with Auntie Bailey

Sparklers with Auntie Bailey

My little sister came to visit last weekend. I think it was the first time that she visited us all by herself and spent time with just myself and Zoey. I had so much fun, we all did. We spent one evening away at a hotel and took off for some shopping the next day. We spent the day thrifting at some fun little shops (where Bailey scored a new pair of turquoise Converse tennis shoes from was her late birthday gift) and enjoyed a lunch together out on the town. We also hit up some art supply stores and some book stores. We came home to a dinner of homemade lasagna (Ethan's contribution to the weekend) and ended up eating outside as a family and finishing the evening off with some sparklers. :) It's safe to say that Zoey is in awe of her Auntie Bailey too...I have a feeling the two of them will have some fun together when I become the "old" mama who doesn't seem as cool anymore! It was so nice to just spend time getting to know my little sister as an "older" little sister! She is so grown up and I love the person that she is and is becoming! Family is so awesome! I know I've been blessed with mine.

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Vicky said...

what a wonderful time you all had together :) Love those pics, aren't sparklers so cool!