My mom and step-dad stayed with us over the fourth and we are so happy that they did. Everything was pretty much rained out as far as the festivities that the community had planned. We walked to the parade in the pouring rain and stood with so many others that braved the weather for the was certainly a memorable experience that I'm sure none of us will soon forget. We were completely soaked to the gills! Zoey still made out like a bandit though when it came to the parade candy.
Later in the day we had a break in the rain and went outdoors for some of our own fireworks and sparklers of course!
And something kinda cool was this complete rainbow that showed off it's pretty colors for us!
Thanks mom and Ross for making the trip up to visit us! We love you!
glad you had a nice holiday. I live in Chicago and got a nice rainbow pic too and posted it on my blog. It was pouring buckets yet the sun was shinning :)
It sure was a wet one! Jen your pictures are just beautiful!
glad you had a great fourth!!!
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