The Rain Boots are Getting Some Good Lovin'

Testing Out the Rain Boots

She LOVES her rain boots...if it were up to her she would be wearing them every single day (and she pretty much has really). Today was another rainy day, after I was done with work this afternoon though there was a brief break in the rain so we stopped by the park to let Zoey run off some of her energy.

Testing out the Rain Boots

She was very appreciative and was thrilled to discover some pretty massive puddles at the bottoms of the slides...luckily she just happened to have on her rain boots (and I just happened to have my camera from having had brought it to work today).

Zip Line Fun

She also had to do a couple of runs on the "zip line" while we were there...

Zip Line Fun

this is the good stuff.

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Anonymous said...

that's too cute, I actually thought about her boots this week and was wondering if she was getting good use out of them!!

Vicky said...

Wonderful Boots! Look how tall Zoey is! 1st grade look out ;)

Keshet said...

These projects are beautiful! Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog--I'm so glad that I found yours, it's wonderful!

Patty said...

Cute boots! Zoey is so adorable!