Mosh Posh Sneak for June!


It's a beauty! I got my box earlier this week and was really wanting to play with it but just haven't been feeling up to it (I know I'm really sick when I don't even feel the urge to create something!). Crossing my fingers that with my antibiotic now in my system I'll be feeling good enough to dig into this coming month's gorgeous and super classy kit over the long holiday weekend. It's romantic and classy with a bit of a vintage flair to it...I'm in love! Kristen does such a nice job putting these kits together! To see the full kit be sure to check the Mosh Posh should be up sooner than later!

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Stacy Milford said...

congrats Jen! Super cute card! I know how you feel with the sinus infection thing...I tend to get them too...real bummer! Hope you get to feeling better soon!

Vicky said...

Yay! Tomorrow's the day for us non-designers :) The sneak peek looks so simply gorgeous! Hope you're feeling lots better :)