More Days Like This Please

Found : Heart Shaped Stone

Yesterday Zoey and I had a picnic at a favorite beach and after eating she did some wading in the water (it was that warm out, finally!) and she quite literally walked into the water, looked down, and pulled out this stone that was in the perfect shape of a heart. Pretty much sums up our afternoon. =)

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Vicky said...

How sweet! and what a lucky find!

vtpuggirl said...

So cool, that rock! Just wanted to stop by and tell you that you won the Ella ebook on my blog, email me or pmail me so I can get the code to you and you can download it. :)

Stacy Milford said...

LOVE this :o)

Sarah said...

What a perfect kind of day. These are the days that make a mom's life so sweet.

Patty S said...

wow what a treasure! if that was sarah i know the rock would be home in a rock collection right now! lol