Here is a picture of the three little amigos...or better known as Zoey, Ruby and Ruby's little superhero brother, Mateo.
There was much running around to be done right off the bat...which was a good thing because it was pretty chilly and of course nobody wanted to wear their coats over their costumes.
Then of course when everyone had their trunks all set up it was time for the actual "Trunk-or-Treating" to happen.
I couldn't believe just how Zoey made out (when it came to the treats) and it was nice too because their was a mix of handmade goodies in addition to the traditional candy sweets.
After spending some time outside it was time to head on in to the fellowship hall for some warm cider and cookies and cake!
Then after being sugared up the kiddos expelled some of that energy by running around inside the fellowship hall...
boys chased the girls (I guess some things never change).
And here is a picture of Ruby and Teo's mom and my good friend, Misty. I think she was going as the Northwood's Packer Princess this year?????? =)
great photos! looks like a great time ;-)
sarah and ben have the exact same plastic pumpkin that zoey does!
Everyone looks cute.. love the costumes!!
They are all so adorable! What a great idea for Halloween! I had never heard of trunk or treat until I read your blog...I love it!
What an adorable Raggedy Ann and other little creatures.
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