I'm getting some more dental work done which is taking up pretty much my whole afternoon both today and tomorrow which meant loading up the iPod with some new tunes last night. Here's the playlist I ended up putting together (albums listed first and a link to the song listed second).
Me and Charlie Talking
Last Call
When I Get Where I'm Going
Welcome to the Future
Feels Like Today
My Wish
Listening to music on my iPod at the dentist's office makes the visits almost bearable.
After picking up Zoey from school today I'll be taking her to a friend's house to play in the leaves, go for some tractor rides and to work on a special project (again, having to do with leaves) and then we'll have a nice fall snack. Some of my girlfriend's and I came up with the idea to create a little "club" for our daughter's in which we'll meet every other week and do something creative while making it a learning experience which is relaxed and hopefully fun. I'm so excited, we've already talked about doing some sewing projects, going camping, collecting maple syrup, taking part in community outreach projects during the holiday season, singing Christmas carols around town, etc. Another bonus is that one of the girls is a little friend of Zoey's that is being homeschooled and I was worried about her and Zoey's friendship getting pushed aside with their now different schedules but now they'll have this get together and Bible School to keep them connected. I feel really good about this.
I've got some assignments to get done for Marks Paper Company and some classes to develop for my local scrapbook store...I am hoping to get some baking in sometime (thinking something with cranberries), it's going to be a busy week!
Great list of music! :) Have a great day, even with that darn dentist appointment! :)
I love the club/craft idea- I so wish I had boys some days!! anne
sorry, I meant to say I wish I had GIRLS some days! It's monday!!!
You picked all the songs I love:) Sorry to hear you'll be in a dentist's chair. Enjoy your busy week:D
LOVE your taste in music!!! :o)
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