Today will be a fun day...we are off to go Trunk-or-Treating at church this afternoon (parents and adults and members of the congregation park their vehicles and decorate their trunks all spooky-like and either stay around to hand out candy or leave bowls of candy and/or treats for the kiddos to take) which is really nice because this way the kids can walk around without fear of moving vehicles or lines, strangers, etc. and then afterwards they can play on the playground equipment for a bit. Last year we did this and their were some people that went all out and dressed up and had music playing...we'll see what this year brings! After Trunk-or-Treating we'll head on downtown to take part in the community festivities that are held for the kids there every year. Most of the merchants downtown stay open to hand out candy and do other special little things in the early evening hours. We've done this every year since living here and have learned that there are mostly a couple hot spots to be sure to hit (one being the public library) and others that end up being okay to pass on by. I'm always suprised with how much stuff she accumulates, and so fast, so it really isn't necessary to go all out and crazy when it comes to hitting every single place. The only thing that will perhaps make today a bit interesting is the weather. The forcast is saying that the temp's are going to drop, and it's supposed to be windy with possible snow showers. Just hoping that while we're out and about it decides to not be too harsh.
Have a safe and happy halloween!
Trunk-or-Treating, what a cool idea!!! Sounds like a lot of fun. Hope you have a scream of a time :)
Love the Trunk or Treat idea! Love the new look of your blog! Haven't stopped by in a couple of weeks, been a little busy....
Looking forward to the Marks Paper co 12 days of Christmas! Can't wait to see what you do!
scary pumpkin! :-)
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