"At present most of what we know, or think we know, of women has been found out by men, we have yet to hear what woman will tell of herself, and where can she tell more intimately than in poetry?"
I was searching for her poem Rain at Night which is one of my favorites. It's funny how certain poems are like old friends and like old friends, we pull them out and tuck them away at certain points in our lives...over and over again. Some of them with-stand this test of time and some, do not.
I recently stumbled upon this oil painting by Amanda Blake. It makes my heart pause for some reason...I love it so much and it is something that I would love to look at every single day. Something that I think would be good to look at every single day. There is yearning, there is sadness, there is understanding when I look at this. I love that the title of the piece is Caroline carefully arranges everything that she holds dear.

This slideshow put together by Katherine Center using excerpts from her new novel "Everyone is Beautiful" is, at the risk of sounding cliche, beautiful.
I love her blog too.
I'm also excited to have a good friend (maybe two!) over tomorrow morning for some much needed "me" time. Cannot wait...good conversation with friends is always inspiring and in the very best way!
I'm glad to be feeling better again (I did end up having strep throat). Being healthy is always a good (and inspiring) thing in my book!
Hi there!
Okay, I love this post! I love the quote about women, I love the poem (it gave me shivers at the end), I LOVE that gorgeous painting, and I love that you put up the trailer for my novel! Thank you!!
Here's a poem that comes back again and again like that for me. It's by Li-Young Lee:
Thanks again for your lovely post!
have a great time w/your friend. and yes all things MEN make a woman nuts. ie. MENOPAUSE, MENSTRUATION, MENTAL. bwahahaha!
what a great poem! thanks for sharing and hope you have a blast with your girlfriends! Sometimes they are the best therapy --well that and scrapbooking! ha!
i love that painting.
love all of this inspiration! Thanks for sharing!
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