Looking for Fairies...


Fairy Family from Willow Tree Toys

Snowdrop Fairy from Imagine Childhood

I am under good authority (thanks to having an "in" with Santa) in thinking that Zoey will be receiving a fairy home for Christmas this year. One that she will put together herself and one that she will actually get to plant seedlings around and tend to in hopes of fairies one day arriving (or at the very least finding a place to rest during the evening hours). Now I am just in search of finding the perfect fairy that is in need of a home...

Flower Fairies from Hearthsong
Nathalie Kalbach said...

what cute and lovely fairies!

Susan Beth said...

Oh! Fairies are so wonderful! I wish for a daughter to play with fairies - my son at 8 pretty much thinks they are not for him. Oh well! Enjoy the wonder and beauty of this interest!

Stacey Michaud said...

So precious! And I love the cards you posted! Wowzers, they are gorgeous!

Lisa Dorsey said...

Those fairies are so incredibly cute! Love them!

Anonymous said...

This is so adorable!!! Zoey will love that! A Fairy home! Who knew!?