Wall-E Costume + Zoo Boo 2008

Zoo Boo

This past weekend was the second annual Zoo Boo celebration...last year it was pretty crowded so they sold tickets in advance this year thinking that it would eliminate the lines and the crowds. I think that this year it was even more packed! But it was just as fun and the weather cooperated so it made for a nice time for all.

Zoo Boo

We met up with some friends there this year and walked through the Zoo together. Zoey wanted to be WALL-E for Halloween as she saw the movie in the theatre not too long ago (her first big screen movie!) and was completely in awe...a couple of weeks ago we spent an entire day creating her WALL-E costume. First stopping at a grocery store to pick out a box (had some help from an older gentleman from the produce department with this - upon hearing what we had in store for the box he took it upon himself to find the sturdiest of boxes so that we could complete our mission with the greatest of success, it was really neat how he just lit up when he knew what we were "working on."). After the box, we went in search of some yellow paint and found some at the Lakeland Variety store. After painting a coat of yellow poster paint we quickly realized that poster paint was just not going to cut it and we went to the scrapbook store and got some acrylic paint instead and it worked like a charm. After a couple of coats of that I cut the hole for the head and the arms. The pieces that I cut out for the arms actually became the eyes...I added cardstock for the front of WALL-E and to create his eyes. Last, I added some chipboard letters (that I had painted) for his front. Adding the "Remember to Vote" pin was Zoey's idea and both Ethan and I loved it!

Zoo Boo

Here we are waiting in line to get into the Zoo...the wait really wasn't that bad at all and it was neat that we just happened to be close in line to some of Zoey's other buddies as well.

Zoo Boo

These pictures just make me smile!

Zoo Boo

I didn't get too many pictures of the animals this year...I think the crowds kind of made us move through a bit faster than we would have otherwise. Also, Zoey's one track mind of where the next candy stop was kind of helped with moving right along!

Zoo Boo

One thing that she really did stop and check out for quite some time though was the Tae-Kwon-Do participants. She really thought that was something cool and talked about it with me that night at bedtime even. There were also some girls that showed their moves and she picked right up on that fact.

Zoo Boo

Love this one so much of her and Ethan...we're so incredibly blessed, sometimes I can hardly stand it.

Zoo Boo

At the end Zoey was all about trying out the candy and Ethan got the honors of holding WALL-E for a bit. What a great guy (or perhaps I should say "guys")...

Zoo Boo

Her choice: a tootsie roll...just what I would have chosen!

Zoo Boo

After the Zoo Boo we went to a local pizza parlor with friends where Zoey danced to music playing on the jukebox and discovered how it is that the cue ball travels within a pool table. It made for a very nice evening and Zoey pretty much crashed by the time we got home. I have to say that it was pretty neat for me to see Zoey so tickled with her WALL-E costume (the only WALL-E we saw by the way) and to hear little boys and girls say "Hey,'s WALL-E!" Even the big girls and boys were making comments. Pretty cool.
Barb said...

Great pics and costumes! I'm a second degree black belt in taekwondo, and my dd is a first degree black belt. Taekwondo is great for girls!

Nathalie Kalbach said...

what a fun costume!!!!

Susan Beth said...

Wow, that looks like a lot of fun. Great costume!

Nancywithajones said...

how cuteeeee is that costume!!!

Anonymous said...

How cute! I just love your photos!

Anonymous said...

What a fabulous costume, and the Boo Zoo sounds like such fun!

Lisa Dorsey said...

Oh look how cute Zoe is as Wall-E. Adorable! Looks like you had fun.

Kim Watson said...

OMGoodness!!! That Wall-E costume is the BEST ever!! Max is so nuts about the Wall-E movie....I am inspired...I think I must speak to T & see it he will help me make one for Max too.
Love all the photo' happy & festive!

Anonymous said...

How Awsome Jen!!! I LOVE the homemade costumes! WALL-E was a great one! So cute how the older gentlemen helped you! You and Zoey did a great job making it.
Loved seeing all the photo's of the zoo trip. Super fun! And it looks like some great memories were made.