The Paper Princess & Believing in Fairies...


I just wanted to share a special book that we discovered at the library the other day. The Paper Princess by Elisa Kleven is such a sweet story and the illustrations are just as special (if not even more so). It starts with a little girl drawing so carefully and then cutting out a paper doll in the meadow near her home. After playing with the little doll and caring for it in only that way that you care for those things that are of utmost importance to you, a gust of wind takes the doll up and away from the girl...what proceeds is a series of adventures, some good and some not so good for the paper doll and somehow in the end, she makes it back to "her girl." Such a fun discovery and an instant favorite of both Zoey's and mine. I was delighted to discover that she also authored the book titled The Apple Doll. This was another one that we have enjoyed in the past and I couldn't remember by whom it was by. I'm definitely going to be looking into her other titles as well as these two have been such a hit in this house!

Another interesting find and something that has me thinking is this post by Patti Digh (who authored the book titled Life is a Verb [which is what I've asked Ethan for as a birthday gift this coming November]) on Llilleloo of the North Fern Pond. I so want to be a fairy for some little (or big) person and would love for someone to be one for Zoey. This takes me to that place deep inside that is still that child and that still has a place for magic and play, in it's purest of forms.
Anonymous said...

Thanks for the recommendation on the books! I know one 4 year old little girl that will probably love these! :)

DebW said...

How sweet Jen! My 6 y o niece would love that story! TFS!