For the next two weeks I am taking part in scrapbook challenges over at Creating Pages. This weeks challenge was to use a sketch, (posted at the website), for your layout and the catch was that you couldn't use cardstock. Very hard for me because I always seem to use cardstock on my lo's and I never do lo's based on sketches. This is what I ended up with, and it's not too bad! The pic's are of Zoey and her Aunt Serena playing with her tea set last May. For those that aren't familiar with Creating Pages, come on over and join...they have a great member gallery and message board where everyone is supportive and the DT members really make things fun. Right now they are actually shooting for their member board to reach 300, (they are around 260 right now), and the 300th member will get a gift certificate to the online store...so go tell all your friends to join up, and keep your eyes open...you could then be the 300th member! It also would be nice if you said Jenny sent ya! :)
I recently checked out the book titled Walking My Dog, Jane by Ned Rozell from my local library...haven't gotten a chance to actually start it, but am looking forward to the time when I do. It's about a guy that backpacks the 800 mile length of the trans-Alaska pipeline with his dog. Really sounds to be my kind of book; part travel and adventure, nature and hiking, dogs, and loads of inspiration. Another book that I am really wanting to get my hands on is Khaled Hosseini's new book titled A Thousand Splendid Suns. I loved his book The Kite Runner, so I'm sure that this one will not disappoint. You can listen to an audio clip preview of A Thousand Splendid Suns by the author by clicking the book link above and scrolling to the bottom of the page and clicking on the PLAY icon.
Ethan and I are looking forward to watching WPT's show In Wisconsin tomorrow night which is a special on Pepin County, (where I grew up). It should be interesting to see what the reporters found an interest in and what they chose to highlight. The program airs at 7pm on Thursday and also airs on Sunday at noon.
Hi Jen!
Just wanted to put my plug in for the book Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon. It has become my favorite all-time book. LOVED IT! Aaron did, too. I think it is the only one of his books that is translated into English so I will have to wait (or learn fluent Spanish)
Right now I am reading the Time Travelers Wife and losing sleep due to staying up past my bedtime.
I have heard good things about Kite Runner so that will have to be my next choice. I just hate it when I have a long list of good books I can't wait to read ;)
Oh, have you read Prodigal Summer by Barbara Kingsolver. One of my favorites by her.
Thanks Cherity! I've read Prodigal Summer too and loved it, though I love everything written by her...speaking of which, have you read The Poisenwood Bible? A VERY good one! I will definitely look into the book Shadow of the Wind. We have the Time Travelers Wife, it's in my stack of "books in waiting".
Hey ladies! I just wanted Cherity to know that I too, have read the Times Travlers Wife and loved it. Did ya know Brad Pitts production company is going to make the movie verison? And Jennifer, I too have the Kite Runner of my lsit of books to read... Hopefully while on the deck eith a fruity drink in my hand. Take care, Joleen
Jo Jo's World! You are AWESOME! I would join you for the fuity beverage...does this mean that you are going to be an "official" blogger now? :) If so, I'll have to link ya on up baby!
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