Mother's Day weekend was a pleasant one here, Ethan gave me the gift of time and I was able to work on some projects that I wanted to finish up and I was able to get started on some others as well. We went to the nursery here in town and picked out some plants and then spent an afternoon digging in the dirt and soaking in the warmth of the day. It felt really good to get my hands dirty and to feel that warm sun beating down and to be with those that I love the most. Really, really good.
Yesterday was the last MOP's meeting of the semester. We now break from our "meetings" until next Fall, though we have arranged for weekly play dates at the park for the summer months and a craft night once a month for just the moms. Very cool. I am so thankful that I was asked to join this group, in the beginning I was skeptical as I never was one for organized groups, (I thought), and wondered what it was they were after...but I have really made some great friends, Zoey's made some great friends and I now have an incredible support system in place that will hopefully carry into Zoey's school days. Really have been blessed, it has been an incredibly empowering experience to share stories with these women. I was a bit sad that it was the last meeting for the year, but am now knowing that I am looking forward to participate again next year as the Arts and Crafts Coordinator.
Been catching up a bit on all the routine things that the life of a family entails...and today I am hoping to get a bit of Spring cleaning started and to start going through and donating old clothes and other stuff that we've accumulated over time and just gets in the way of living.
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