My Cousin Scott

These are pictures taken of my cousin Scott at my and Ethan's wedding in 2003. Scott has always been my favorite cousin...he was always the "bad boy" of the family, always a bit of a rebel and a free spirit, was always in a band, whether it was a rock & roll band, a religious group or otherwise, he always has had a thing for good music and a wicked talent with the keyboard and guitar. I remember that whenever Scott would come to visit for a holiday I would get so excited before the visit and then when he would arrive I would act like I was totally cool with things, couldn't care less that he was around...but I did! Typical teenage behavior, I know! :) But, I soaked up every word and every conversation that he had! Even as an adult, when I found out that he was going to be able to make it to my wedding a part of me was extremely flattered and giddy with excitement...he's one of those individuals that carries a charisma about them and demands fun, goofiness and good times to be had by those around them. He is definitely one that knows the "how to" of keepin' it real. I've been thinking about him a lot lately as he has been having some health problems. And, while I can't be there to see him right now, I thought that this would be a neat way to connect with him and to perhaps have others send him some healing thoughts and/or prayers. Love you Scottie!