Old Photos on a New Layout


I have a bunch of pre-printed pictures that have been sitting around for a long time from back when I printed my photos as I took them. Since I usually now just print photos as I want to use them on a project I don't have extra photos laying around that are from recent events/years. Sometimes, if I'm not feeling particularly inspired to print photos I'll go through my stash of photos to see if there is something that I want to create a layout around which brings me around to the motivation for this page. Seeing these pictures in my stash and being that Easter is quickly approaching, I thought it would be fun and fitting to make a page using them.

As you can see I kept the photos pretty much center stage and was minimal in my usage of embellishments. Drawing a border around my photo block made the page feel complete. Most of the die-cuts and stickers are from Ali's Story Kits.

Hoping to step out this afternoon and get some errands for the week taken care of with Zoey. One of the things on our 'to do' list is to boil and decorate some eggs for Easter. Always a fun thing to do together, no matter how old she gets it seems.

Happy spring!

