Playing Catch Up...I Think.


Life has been extra crazy as of late...lots of pots on the stove, plates spinning on fingers.  Balancing has been the key.

These chocolate chunk gluten-free cookies are helping though.

Here are some pics of Zoey for the grandparents...Zoey had fun decorating eggs this year.

Zoey and I have just recently discovered Instagram and how fun it is to take goofy pictures of ourselves...and of our dog.

She is growing up so fast.  Pants are getting shorter.  She is reading at meal times and at the dinner breakfast.

Here she is at the library...reading.

Another favorite lately is Harry Potter.  A friend that has chickens gifted Zoey one of the feathers...this is what ensued.

Pretty interesting how the Easter Bunny just happened to be in touch with someone at Gryffindor don't you think?

Life is good.  Life is busy.  We are still here.  Contemplating changes, big and small.  Listening to hearts.  Remaining open. 

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